ReinaLuna's Universe

ReinaLuna's Universe
Now you can read about the dark and the light side of... ME!
It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is. -Hermann Hesse.

blogchalk: Valeska/Female/26-30. 
Lives in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro/Copacabana and speaks Portuguese. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.

Read and Release at *Centro de Ado?s Brasileiro*

Aviso aos Navegantes: BLOG em portugues e espanhoL, de uma carioca com alma internacional...
Lindinho, adorei!
Aviso a los Navegadores; BLOG en portugues y espanyol, de una brasilenya con alma internacional...

Take a Minute to tell me where in this Universe YOU are!

spreading love abroad! :o)
Rio de Janeiro, BrasiL

Get Firefox! *Centro de Ado?s Brasileiro* Como me siento ahora... (how I'm feeling now...) The current mood of ReinaLuna at

welcome to my universe! :o) Please enter your birthday for me so that I can receive a free reminder from


Para blogs cheios de Hello Kittys, dolls, animaizinhos e outras 
coisas fofinhas, tudo em cores pasteis... hahahaha

DO WE HAVE SIMILAR MINDS????Veja aqui, check here, mira aqui!


Para esses blogs cheios de testes chatos e sem pe nem cabeca: - Que sabor de pizza voce eh? :oDDD

My Dream Boy! :) Look HERE!

Clique aqui e conheça o novo endereço de Pensar Enlouquece!

I am 36% Metal-Head.

Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. (poor me!!! Esto me pasa pq soy una power metal baladera que solo escucho los temas mas light!!)Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts. hmmm... no pueden ser a few Blind Guardian or Stratovarius t-shirts?

Click Here and give FREE Help!

Help the puppies, Ayuden los perritos!

Vigilant Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Scientific Killing and Assassination

feed an animal pleeease, it's free... ;o)

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**Nome(nombre): Valeska. (origem do nome:Russia)

**Niver(cumple): 26/09 (espero cartas, mails, etc!) :D

**Cor(color): ROSA, se nota? ;)

**Livro(libro): Demian, de Hermann Hesse.

**Comida Preferida: Strogonoff e PIZZA!(e doces, LEMON PIE RULEZ!!)

**Musica: VARIAS! Rock, pop, classicas, new age, power metal, baladas romanticas... etc!

**Frase: "Quem quer nascer, tem que destruir um mundo..." (quien quiere nacer, tiene que destruir un mundo...) do livro citado acima. (del libro supracitado).
**Manias: Luas e estrelas. Lunas y estrellas. Moon and Stars!


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*Brazilian Universe*

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**International Universe**

I am in! :o)

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Para Cinefilos :D

Pa q vean lo internacionaL q soy!

Je suis Amelie Poulain

gullegumma & gullegubbe! :)

Servicios Gratis en

jueves, enero 17, 2008

Eu tava quieta, na minha, porra! E dai voce vem...

Vem, vem mexer, vem me desestruturar, vem me mostrar a luz que eu pensei ter sido apagada, vem me dar a vida que minha alma esqueceu, mas agora aguenta. Aguenta as minhas duvidas, crises, lagrimas com ou sem motivo, a culpa 'e sua. Voce acordou o monstro, Miss Hyde is back.

Maybe she should have stayed where she was, when I thought she was dead.

Still, I know you belong to me, you do. YOU, special delivery made in heaven =P

Moi tumak bhal pau, mor moromor swami (Assamese meaning eh! Haha), Brahmin, Levis Sol Solis.

Signed, and totally out of my mind (but this is no Facebook for everyone to see what I'm posting!)

Your Patni, Luna

Moonlight inspired by ReinaLuna 10:34 a.m.