ReinaLuna's Universe

ReinaLuna's Universe
Now you can read about the dark and the light side of... ME!
It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is. -Hermann Hesse.

blogchalk: Valeska/Female/26-30. 
Lives in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro/Copacabana and speaks Portuguese. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Normal (56k) connection.

Read and Release at *Centro de Ado?s Brasileiro*

Aviso aos Navegantes: BLOG em portugues e espanhoL, de uma carioca com alma internacional...
Lindinho, adorei!
Aviso a los Navegadores; BLOG en portugues y espanyol, de una brasilenya con alma internacional...

Take a Minute to tell me where in this Universe YOU are!

spreading love abroad! :o)
Rio de Janeiro, BrasiL

Get Firefox! *Centro de Ado?s Brasileiro* Como me siento ahora... (how I'm feeling now...) The current mood of ReinaLuna at

welcome to my universe! :o) Please enter your birthday for me so that I can receive a free reminder from


Para blogs cheios de Hello Kittys, dolls, animaizinhos e outras 
coisas fofinhas, tudo em cores pasteis... hahahaha

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Para esses blogs cheios de testes chatos e sem pe nem cabeca: - Que sabor de pizza voce eh? :oDDD

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Clique aqui e conheça o novo endereço de Pensar Enlouquece!

I am 36% Metal-Head.

Most other metal-heads acknowledge my presence, but they laugh at me behind my back. (poor me!!! Esto me pasa pq soy una power metal baladera que solo escucho los temas mas light!!)Maybe I need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts. hmmm... no pueden ser a few Blind Guardian or Stratovarius t-shirts?

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Help the puppies, Ayuden los perritos!

Vigilant Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Scientific Killing and Assassination

feed an animal pleeease, it's free... ;o)

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**Nome(nombre): Valeska. (origem do nome:Russia)

**Niver(cumple): 26/09 (espero cartas, mails, etc!) :D

**Cor(color): ROSA, se nota? ;)

**Livro(libro): Demian, de Hermann Hesse.

**Comida Preferida: Strogonoff e PIZZA!(e doces, LEMON PIE RULEZ!!)

**Musica: VARIAS! Rock, pop, classicas, new age, power metal, baladas romanticas... etc!

**Frase: "Quem quer nascer, tem que destruir um mundo..." (quien quiere nacer, tiene que destruir un mundo...) do livro citado acima. (del libro supracitado).
**Manias: Luas e estrelas. Lunas y estrellas. Moon and Stars!


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**International Universe**

I am in! :o)

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Para Cinefilos :D

Pa q vean lo internacionaL q soy!

Je suis Amelie Poulain

gullegumma & gullegubbe! :)

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martes, mayo 08, 2007

Your Aura is Blue

Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.

The purpose of your life: showing love to other people

Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah

Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor

Moonlight inspired by ReinaLuna 11:39 p.m.